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--- Comment #3 from Miroslav Suchý <> 2012-03-26 04:06:39 EDT 

Please note that I'm member of upstream. Therefore I created new release (as I
put those changes directly to upstream) and not put it in spec as patch.

> - for a fedora rpm, BuildRoot is no longer needed, same goes for %defattr, and
%clean, and cleaning of %install

We build the package for EPEL and mainly EPEL5 as well. And there there it is
needed. It is easier to maintain the spec file when we can leave it there (and
it makes no harm of Fedora). But if you insinst on that I can make separate
spec for Fedora and for EPEL.

> you should consider using packages rather than filedesps

> you should use %global, not %define for %rhnroot

> you should also ( IMHO ) place requires on 1 line each, as it permit to have
easier to read diff when sending patch
That is only two perl packages. Somebody in past decided that it would be nice
to have perl packages together. I do not think it is necessary, but if you see
it as blocker, I can change it.

> the file spacewalk-service look like a init script, and recent fedora use
> systemd, so the file should be converted
It looks like init script, but it is not.
Spacewalk server is layered application and is build on top of several services
(jabberd, httpd, tomcat6, osad-dispatcher, postgresql...). And since usually
Spacewalk server is run on dedicated machine and these services are run just
because Spacewalk server - if sysadmin want to restart Spacewalk, he would have
to write:
service tomcat6 stop
service httpd stop 
service  httpd start
service  tomcat6 start
which means: he has to enumerate all services which Spacewalk requires, not
forget single one and do it in correct order.
To make it easy for sysadmin, we provide spacewalk-service script, which can do
But it does *not* start those service during boot. And neither stop those
services during shutdown. Each of those services still has its own
initd/systemd script.

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