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--- Comment #2 from Jon Ciesla <> 2012-04-17 15:23:17 EDT 

- rpmlint checks return:

zipios++.x86_64: I: enchant-dictionary-not-found pl.UTF-8
A dictionary for the Enchant spell checking library is not available for the
language given in the info message.  Spell checking will proceed with
rpmlint's built-in implementation for localized tags in this language. For
better spell checking results in this language, install the appropriate
dictionary that Enchant will use for this language, often for example
hunspell-* or aspell-*.


zipios++.x86_64: W: spurious-executable-perm
The file is installed with executable permissions, but was identified as one
that probably should not be executable.  Verify if the executable bits are
desired, and remove if not.


And several ignorable spelling errors.

- package meets naming guidelines
- package meets packaging guidelines
- license ( LGPLv2+ ) OK, text in %doc, matches source
- spec file legible, in am. english  

I cannot speak to the accuracy of the Polish, I should ask my dad. . .

- source matches upstream


- package compiles on devel (x86_64)
- no missing BR
- no unnecessary BR
- no locales
- not relocatable
- owns all directories that it creates
- no duplicate files
- permissions ok
- %clean ok


- macro use consistent
- code, not content
- no need for -docs
- nothing in %doc affects runtime
- no need for .desktop file
- devel package ok
- no .la files
- post/postun ldconfig ok
- devel requires base package n-v-r 

Otherwise OK.  So it's just the rpmlint stuff.  I assume the only reason you're
packaging software with no current upstream is as a dependency?

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