
I have a strange issue trying to automatically install visual studio inside 
a vm with packer:

            "type" : "powershell",
            "elevated_user": "{{user `ssh_name`}}",
            "elevated_password": "{{user `ssh_pass`}}",
            "inline": [
                "NET USE S: /DELETE /YES >NUL 2>NUL",
                "NET USE S: \\\\host\\shared /persistent:no /YES",
                "while (!(Test-Path \"S:\\\")) {",
                "   NET USE S: /DELETE /YES >NUL 2>NUL",
                "   NET USE S: \\\\host\\shared /persistent:no /YES",
                "Write-Host \"Calling Unattended VS2015 Setup - This takes 
a while ...\"",
                "cmd /C start /WAIT 
s:\\iso\\windows\\vs2015\\vs_professional.exe /Quiet /NoRestart /NoRefresh 
/NoWeb /AdminFile 
/Log $env:temp\\vs2015-setup.log",
                "Write-Host \"Exited with $lastexitcode\"",
                "exit 0"

I run with "PACKER_LOG=1":

    virtualbox-iso: Calling Unattended VS2015 Setup - This takes a while ...
    virtualbox-iso: Exited with 0
2016/12/01 13:57:05 ui:     virtualbox-iso: Exited with 0
2016/12/01 13:57:10 packer: 2016/12/01 13:57:10 [INFO] command 'powershell 
-executionpolicy bypass -file 
exited with code: 2
2016/12/01 13:57:10 packer: 2016/12/01 13:57:10 [INFO] RPC endpoint: 
Communicator ended with: 2

so: why the heck it exits with code "2" ???

I even explicitly set "exit 0" there?

Thank you very much.


P.S: Is there a way to use packer in a kind of "snapshot" mode, so I dont 
have to wait 30min each time before the that provisioning step runs?

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