Hello Paul,

What you can probably do is the following:

In the role section let's use the 10 value for student and teacher (Only 10 registered devices are allowed per user). I suppose you are using an Active Directory as authentication source and you use it to associate the roles.

So let's have a look first in raddb/modules
edit ldap then add (Feel free to adapt it) :

    ldap ldap_ad_user {
        server = "info.acme.ca"
        identity = "CN=admin,DC=acme,DC=ca"
        password = password
        basedn = "DC=info,DC=acme,DC=ca"
        filter = "(sAMAccountName=%{User-Name})"
        scope = "sub"
        base_filter = "(objectclass=user)"
        password_attribute = NT-Password

then in packetfence-tunnel (in conf/radiusd/packetfence-tunnel) in authorize section:

              update request {
Tmp-String-1 := "%{ldap_ad_user:ldap:///OU=Users,DC=acme,DC=ca? eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation?sub?sAMAccountName=%{User-Name}}"
              if (Tmp-String-1 == "student") {
                  update control {
                      Simultaneous-Use := 3
             elsif (Tmp-String-1 == "teacher") {
                 update control {
                     Simultaneous-Use := 5
#             else {
#                 update control {
#                     Simultaneous-Use := 0
#                }
#             }

So with this configuration, only 10 devices are allowed to be registered per user. Then if the attribute eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation contain student then only 3 devices can be connected at the same time and if it contain teacher then only 5 devices can be connected at the same times.

This setup is not exactly what you want but it's close.


Le 2015-08-01 01:29, Polar Geek a écrit :

Hello all,

While my main issue is being looked into I have an additional question.

Basically what I want to know is this. If I have set a user account to allow only 1 registered device and they want to register a new/replacement device before the existing registration expires. How does the end user accomplish this.

In several other captive portal solutions I have used either as an admin or end-user, if a user logins into a new device it automatically disables the existing device. PacketFence instead seems to just deny the new device with no recourse for a replacement. Am I missing something like a setting that would change this behaviour?

Effectively what I would like is to allow my students and teachers to use only specific number of non-school provided devices simultaneously. Students might legitimately need to use a laptop, tablet or phone on our network at any given time. But I don’t want all those devices live the moment they enter the school. Just the one they’re actually using.

Thanks in advance.

Paul Taylor

Luther College High School


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