Hello Filipe,

If you are looking for the file where the translation is done, look over 

You will need to execute the following in your cli after making change 
to the file:
for TRANSLATION in de en es fr he_IL it nl pl_PL pt_BR; do 
/usr/bin/msgfmt conf/locale/$TRANSLATION/LC_MESSAGES/packetfence.po 
--output-file conf/locale/$TRANSLATION/LC_MESSAGES/packetfence.mo; done

If you want to contribute to the translation I'll advise you to make a 
request to be able to translate here:

Thank you

On 05/30/2016 12:47 PM, felipe santos dos santos wrote:
> Olá pessoal boa tarde,
>     Gostaria de saber onde posso encontrar tradução do portal e 
> gerenciamento para Português?

Antoine Amacher
aamac...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.447.4918 *130  ::  www.inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence 

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