Hello Oumy,

the information for the device is in node tab, not in audit tab.



Le 2016-08-04 à 03:39, Oumy Coulibaly a écrit :

Actually while users attempt to connect to the network through wifi, they give username and password if that match with a user of the LDAP they get access to the network if they don't they won't get access until this point everything work well. The problem is all that events should be visible trough the web administration of packetfence under auditing section where i should be able to see registered user their mac adress,ip adress... right? But for me there is nothing so even if a user was authenticated by pf i can't see any information about that user such as mac address ou ip adress, registered date,.... I want to know where does this problem come from

Sorry for the longer of this message i just wanted to explain as possible i can.

Best regards

2016-08-03 12:56 GMT+00:00 Oumy Coulibaly <coulibalyo...@gmail.com <mailto:coulibalyo...@gmail.com>>:

    hello Fabrice,
    yes that  was that i fix it now. But i can't get access log i mean
    auditing interface of the web admin are empty. any idea of where
    the problem can come from?

Fabrice Durand
fdur...@inverse.ca ::  +1.514.447.4918 (x135) ::  www.inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence 

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