Hello Bebbet,

you local fingerbank db is corrupted.

Try to download it to fix the issue.



Le 2016-10-10 à 04:57, Bebbet van Dinges a écrit :
> Hello All,
> i've got a pfqueue.log full of fingerbank errors, we also get mails
> about the hourly limit of fingerbank api, can someone shed some light on
> this?
> Yours sincerely,
>   Bebbet
> Oct 10 10:53:50 pfqueue(2664) ERROR: [mac:64:6c:b2:6c:18:85]
> DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_prepare_sth(): DBI Exception:
> DBD::SQLite::db prepare_cached failed: database disk image is malformed
> [for Statement "SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM device me WHERE ( name = ? )"] at
> /usr/local/pf/lib/fingerbank/Base/CRUD.pm line 369
>   (pf::api::can_fork::notify)
> Oct 10 10:53:51 pfqueue(2665) ERROR: [mac:80:65:6d:c2:f9:0b]
> DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_prepare_sth(): DBI Exception:
> DBD::SQLite::db prepare_cached failed: database disk image is malformed
> [for Statement "SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM device me WHERE ( name = ? )"] at
> /usr/local/pf/lib/fingerbank/Base/CRUD.pm line 369
>   (pf::api::can_fork::notify)
> Oct 10 10:53:51 pfqueue(2663) ERROR: [mac:48:db:50:02:8b:25]
> DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_prepare_sth(): DBI Exception:
> DBD::SQLite::db prepare_cached failed: database disk image is malformed
> [for Statement "SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM device me WHERE ( name = ? )"] at
> /usr/local/pf/lib/fingerbank/Base/CRUD.pm line 369
>   (pf::api::can_fork::notify)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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