
The Packetfence server is up and running with AD bind and we can see devices 
checking in via DHCP but not via the test switch, the test switch is a Cisco 
3750 and I can see it in packetfence in Configuration/switches. We have 3 VLANS 
configured on the switch and packetfence however we are not sure whether the 
switch and server are communicating with each other and are unsure where the 
logs are in packetfence in order to troubleshoot the connection issue?

The plan is to test packetfence by plugging a device into a network port on the 
switch, and see how the roles work in each VLAN.

We can telnet and SSH to the server succesfully on normal ports (22 and 23) 
from the switch but when we telnet to ports 1812/1813 it rejects the connection
No response from (,1813) for id 1645/16

Ports 1812 and 1813 udp are definitely listening on the packetfence server but 
telnet fails. Is there something we need to configure in freeradius to accept 
incoming connections?


Grant Hathaway
Network and Infrastructure Analyst

Certas Energy UK Limited
The Switch
1-7 The Grove - Slough - SL1 1QP
Phone : 01753756965 - Mobile : 07920075818


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