
I'm running a 6.4 PF server, upgraded from 4.x  6 months ago.

Primary functionnalities ( 802.1x, vlan enforcement, autoregistration...) are working as expected, but nodes databases seems to be corrupted :

- node status is always unknown, switches and ports are not displayed on node info,

- reevaluate access gives and error and does nothing.

- packetfence.log has a lot of errors like

Jun 14 17:00:36 httpd.aaa(9080) INFO: [mac:28:84:fa:f7:f8:c8] database query failed with: Unknown column 'role' in 'field list' (errno: 1054) (pf::db::db_query_execute)

Apart from that it works.

When upgrading db from 4.x i was very cautious in applying schema updates, but it looks like something goes wrong. I'm not expert in db, so if someone can help me to correct this problem, i will be happy to do this before upgrading to 7.1.



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