Hi List,

I´m trying packetfence 7.3 and I can assure it is a great piece of software. 
Thank you.

My goal is to use chained authentication ( SMS + Facebook ). It looks good but 
after a sucessfull authentication the result is  2x PIDs.  One for SMS (phone 
numer) and other for Facebook (e-mail)

Is there any way to consolidate those registers? It´ll be perfect to have a 
single User (PID) filled out by both PhoneNumber and Email.

BTW, It´s a WiFi system using Ruckus legacy harware.


Welber Silveira
Analista de Redes e Infraestrutura
Núcleo de Tecnologia da Informação
Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública
(71) 32768207

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