
Le 14/12/2018 09:34, Nicolas Quiniou-Briand via PacketFence-users a écrit :
Hello Virginie,

On 2018-12-13 4:48 p.m., Virginie Girou via PacketFence-users wrote:
Concerning password entered in Captiveportal authentication page (signin.html), if password include character deg "°", for instance, packetfence send to our radius the octal code for "°" (\260). Do we have to restrict password characters in ascii table ? Or can I do something on packetfence to permit the ISO-8859-1 character ?

Just to be sure to understand your setup, you use a RADIUS source that send authentications made on captive portal to an external RADIUS server ?

Yes exactly.

Virginie Girou
Equipe systeme
DSI - UT1 Capitole
Tel : +33 (0)

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