Hello All,
I need a example how to configure in PF the dhcpserver.
My PF used for authenticated access to internet:
-              Only one interface is confivured without interface vlan
-              If i use an external dhcp we don't have a problem (but I want 
delete windows dhcp server)

I saw and try this guide:
start capitol 13.9. Production DHCP access

the serverPF would be handle some networks (vlan) with dhcpserver:
-              Registration (vlan before authentication)
-              Guest (vlan after authentication and who can go to the internet)
-              Vip,internal,VOiP,staff... ( others vlan that not required PF 
feature, so serverPF must delivery the ip address, sunbnet,gw dns , to the 

Thanks a lot for support

Roberto Casagrande
Network Manager
Direzione Sistemi Informativi e Telematici
Via della Vittorina, 60
06024 Gubbio (PG)


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