
On 29/11/2019 12:39, Pasquale Lo Bello via PacketFence-users wrote:
Is there a guide for implementing PF in Inline Hot-Standby mode? I mean 2 PF machines that share the same inline interface but where one is the hot one and another is standby until the first fails someway.

You could take a look at your Clustering Guide [1]. Clustering in PacketFence works as an active/active cluster, not active/passive. You need at least 3 nodes.

[1] https://packetfence.org/doc/PacketFence_Clustering_Guide.html
Nicolas Quiniou-Briand
n...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.447.4918 *140  ::  https://inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (https://sogo.nu), PacketFence (https://packetfence.org) and Fingerbank (http://fingerbank.org)

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