Hello Pasquale,

the management must be on the same layer 2 , the inline must be on the same layer 2 , but it doesn't mean that all interfaces nust be on the same layer 2 network.



Le 19-12-12 à 09 h 17, Pasquale Lo Bello via PacketFence-users a écrit :

i'm trying to set up a clustered environment with three nodes.

I'm using the "Clustering quick installation guide" as reference, and i have a question about one of the assumptions:

"The servers network interfaces are on the same layer 2 network"

In my case i have three virtual machines, each having 2 interfaces (one for management, the other one for inline).

In total I have 6 interfaces and all of them have to be on the same segment (virtual network in my case). Is this correct?

Thanks in advance

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