Hello everyone, 

We're running Packetfence version 9.3.0. I'm having troubles with creating user 
objects from the admin GUI. But let's have a look at our setup.

I've setup the configuration for the following use case:
One single in-house WIFI (general purpose) with two sorts of users and two 
sorts of devices. 
User types
- staff: Registers its device via captive portal
- guests: Registers its device via captive portal

Device types
- Devices supporting browsers/captive portals: both staff and guests own such 
- Devices which don't -> we will call them iot (eg an internet radio or 
camera): We will only register such devices if they're owned by our staff.

Captive Portal: All Users of our WIFI must accept the AUP and then enter their 
phone number for sms auth. The registered device will be assigned the custom 
role "guest" with access duration 1y.
Because there are devices without browser support our help desk has to register 
those devices manually and assign them the role "guest-iot" with access 
duration of 3y. I know there exists a Self Service Portal, however most of our 
customers won't be able to use it. So there is no need to discuss this feature.

What I had in mind:
There is a local help desk account which is able to manually create users and 
nodes. I wanted to try adding a user by myself (with the admin account) via 
Users -> Create, however the user creation form in the admin GUI has too much 
mandatory fields and I couldn't figure out where to change this. If a user 
registers himself via captive portal, the user object contains only his 
Username/PID (which is the telephone number) and the telephone number field. 
This is what I'm trying to achieve manually.

Problem 1): I'm not able to edit existing users since they only contain the two 
fields UID and tel. But when viewing the user item, the form tells me that 
"Email" is a mandatory field. However, we don't need to gather our users email 
addresses if they register themselves  via captive portal. So I can't save the 
object if I don't enter an email address.

Problem 2): When creating a new user via Users -> Create the following fields 
are mandatory:
- PID: this is correct as we will enter the user's phone number
- Password: If a user registers himself via captive portal he doesn't set any 
pw since it is not needed. Therefore if we need to create a user manually we 
don't want to set a pw.
(- strangely the email field isn't mandatory in this mask…)
- Registration Window: Why do I have to set "start date" and "end date" here? 
We don't assign any user object an access time. This is controlled via a custom 
role specifying an access time which is assigned to the device.
- Actions: I figured out that I can just click the "-" to disable this field 
which in turn won't be mandatory anymore.

Problem 3): How do I have to create the help desk account? Can I assign them 
permissions to control which operations it can perform?

Problem 4): Does someone have a link to an explanation of "sponsor"? I didn't 
really understand this concept. Is it relevant to our use case "help desk 
account manually creating user accounts and devices"?

The Node creation form looks fine from our point of view.

Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you for your help!

Kind regards,

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