
at this point I think the problem is this,

*/                      Giacinto Caretto                   */
*/                        DTE-ICT-RETE                      */
*/              giacinto.care...@enea.it            */
*/                    ENEATEL 91 206                      */
*/                 Uff. 0831201 206-234               */
*/                     FAX. 0831201 207                  */
*/                  Mob. +393283904483              */
*/                    ENEA - CR Brindisi                    */
Da: Giacinto Caretto
Inviato: lunedì 22 giugno 2020 13:54
A: packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net 
Oggetto: Warning after update to 10.1.0


The last step of the update from 10.0 to 10.1 also returns a warning

#/usr/local/pf/bin/pfcmd service pf restart
Service                                                 Status    PID
Checking configuration sanity...
WARNING - unknown configuration parameter 
radius_configuration.eap_authentication_types if you added the parameter 
yourself make sure it is present in conf/documentation.conf

identical result on two different test installations


thank you


*/                      Giacinto Caretto                   */
*/                        DTE-ICT-RETE                      */
*/              giacinto.care...@enea.it            */
*/                    ENEATEL 91 206                      */
*/                 Uff. 0831201 206-234               */
*/                     FAX. 0831201 207                  */
*/                  Mob. +393283904483              */
*/                    ENEA - CR Brindisi                    */


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