the warning went away … but another problem arrived …

after applying the 5 executables

in the /usr/local/pf/addons/upgrade

2 radius service , auth and cli don't restart

/usr/local/pf/bin/pfcmd service radiusd status
Service                                                 Status    PID
packetfence-radiusd-auth.service                        stopped   0
packetfence-radiusd-load_balancer.service               disabled  0
packetfence-radiusd-acct.service                        stopped   0
packetfence-radiusd-eduroam.service                     disabled  0
packetfence-radiusd-cli.service                         stopped   0

during a clean new test of update from 10 to 10.1  I saw that there is also an 
error while updating freeradius while running

yum update --enablerepo = packetfence

Aggiornamento     : freeradius-3.0.21-8.1.x86_64
/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.5HvTWC: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'
/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.5HvTWC: line 3: `fi'
warning: %post(freeradius-3.0.21-8.1.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 2
Non-fatal POSTIN scriptlet failure in rpm package freeradius-3.0.21-8.1.x86_64


Inviato da Posta<> per Windows 10


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