hi all ,
my all services working fine but i am not able to sync because my
packetfence-haproxy-admin service not running
its showing error like

Parsing [/usr/local/pf/var/conf/haproxy-admin.conf:106]: backend
'10.x.x.x-admin' has the same name as backend '10.x.x.x-admin' declared at
[WARNING] (8872) : parsing [/usr/local/pf/var/conf/haproxy-admin.conf:193]
: a 'http-request' rule placed after a 'reqadd' rule will still be
processed before.
[WARNING] (8872) : parsing [/usr/local/pf/var/conf/haproxy-admin.conf:194]
: a 'http-request' rule placed after a 'reqadd' rule will still be
processed before.
[ALERT] (8872) : Error(s) found in configuration file :
[ALERT] (8872) : Fatal errors found in configuration.

should i create a new certificate or by default ssl certificate will work ?
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