
Just to ask: Are you aware that packetfence has built-in LE certificate management?

(somewhere in the settings menu's)

I think it should auto-generate and install certs for both the web interface and radius.


On 11/17/20 4:24 AM, E.P. via PacketFence-users wrote:

Can I hope for any hint of assistance here ?

What changes would I need to do to have the server identified by the name and not the IP address ?


*From:* ype...@gmail.com <ype...@gmail.com>
*Sent:* Friday, November 13, 2020 12:15 PM
*To:* 'Ludovic Zammit' <lzam...@inverse.ca>; packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net *Subject:* RE: [PacketFence-users] Wildcard SSL certificate installation on PF

Disregard my last, Ludovic.

It was stupid Firefox browser that somehow cached the old certificate.

Logged into the PF web admin GUI via Chrome and the certificate shows as good.

But…. This was just a precursor to the task that we need to cover with an SSL certificate.

So, when the guest WiFi user associates to a guest SSID their device sees the certificate issued to a host with IP address

But the details of this certificate show the correct subject name (CN) which is linked to FQDN as shown below

My question now is where in the captive portal I can change the IP address to FQDN ?


*From:* ype...@gmail.com <mailto:ype...@gmail.com> <ype...@gmail.com <mailto:ype...@gmail.com>>
*Sent:* Friday, November 13, 2020 10:40 AM
*To:* 'Ludovic Zammit' <lzam...@inverse.ca <mailto:lzam...@inverse.ca>>; packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net <mailto:packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> *Subject:* RE: [PacketFence-users] Wildcard SSL certificate installation on PF

Thank you, Ludovic,

I prepared certificate files almost exactly like you described.

Just changed the order of certificates in the server.pem file as per your instruction.

Well, apparently it made the trick. I can now hit PF via a standard URL, i.e. https//pf.domain.xxx/ and it shows the valid new SSL certificate.

But the web admin interface via 1443 is still using a self-signed certificate.

Where would I change this behavior ?

Nothing in this file to catch my eye



*From:* Ludovic Zammit <lzam...@inverse.ca <mailto:lzam...@inverse.ca>>
*Sent:* Friday, November 13, 2020 4:30 AM
*To:* packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net <mailto:packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
*Cc:* ype...@gmail.com <mailto:ype...@gmail.com>
*Subject:* Re: [PacketFence-users] Wildcard SSL certificate installation on PF

Hello there,

Use of certificates in PF.

PF Version prior 10:

Captive portal = /usr/local/pf/conf/ssl/server.pem (Private Key + Cert + intermediate)

Configuration: /usr/local/pf/conf/haproxy-portal.conf

Web admin = /usr/local/pf/conf/ssl//server.crt (Certificate)

                       /usr/local/pf/raddb/certs/server.key (Private key)

                     /usr/local/pf/raddb/certs/intermediates.crt (Intermediates)

Configuration: /usr/local/pf/conf/httpd.conf.d/ssl-certificates.conf

RADIUS = /usr/local/pf/raddb/certs/server.crt (Certificate)

                  /usr/local/pf/raddb/certs/server.key (Private key)

                 /usr/local/pf/raddb/certs/ca.pem (Root CA for EAP TLS)

Configuration: /usr/local/pf/conf/radiusd/eap.conf

PF Version 10:

Captive portal = /usr/local/pf/conf/ssl/server.pem (Private Key + Cert + intermediate)

Configuration: /usr/local/pf/conf/haproxy-portal.conf

Web admin = /usr/local/pf/conf/ssl/server.pem (Private Key + Cert + intermediate)

Configuration: /usr/local/pf/conf/haproxy-admin.conf

RADIUS = /usr/local/pf/raddb/certs/server.crt (Certificate)

                  /usr/local/pf/raddb/certs/server.key (Private key)

                 /usr/local/pf/raddb/certs/ca.pem (Root CA for EAP TLS)

Configuration: /usr/local/pf/conf/radiusd/eap.conf

Hope it shed some light.


Ludovic Zammit

lzam...@inverse.ca <mailto:lzam...@inverse.ca> ::  +1.514.447.4918 (x145) :: www.inverse.ca <http://www.inverse.ca>

Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://www.sogo.nu <http://www.sogo.nu>) and PacketFence (http://packetfence.org <http://packetfence.org>)

    On Nov 12, 2020, at 10:55 PM, ypefti--- via PacketFence-users
    <mailto:packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net>> wrote:

    It is some sort of conspiracy.

    No luck at all. Maybe someone will tell me what else to do to
    install an external SSL certificate to PF.

    The server.key is also there, in the same folder. Do I really need
    *.pem file ?

    I didn’t receive it from CA. Fine, I converted *.crt to *.pem, still
    doesn’t fly.

    Why am I getting this error on PF GUI ?

    A networking error occurred. Is the API service running?


    *From:*E.P. <ype...@gmail.com <mailto:ype...@gmail.com>>
    *Sent:*Thursday, November 12, 2020 3:03 PM
    *To:*'Michael Brown' <michaelbrow...@yahoo.com
    *Subject:*RE: [PacketFence-users] Wildcard SSL certificate
    installation on PF

    Thank you, Michael.

    I did it almost the same way.

    What I don’t understand is the logic of PF and Apache integration.

    It appears that the original Apache config file, i.e. httpd.conf is
    useless and not in use by PF

    I will play and explore the SAN attribute in the certificate


    *From:*Michael Brown <michaelbrow...@yahoo.com
    *Sent:*Thursday, November 12, 2020 1:47 PM
    *Cc:*ype...@gmail.com <mailto:ype...@gmail.com>
    *Subject:*Re: [PacketFence-users] Wildcard SSL certificate
    installation on PF

    I have a wildcard from Digicert and used this to get the cert:

    Apache: CSR & SSL Installation (OpenSSL)




        Apache: CSR & SSL Installation (OpenSSL)

    Apache: Generating your Apache CSR with OpenSSL and installing your
    SSL certificate and Mod_SSL web server confi...

    Also, when requesting the duplicate from Digicert it allows you to
enter additional SANs beyond the *.domain.com <http://domain.com/>. I put mypf.domain.com <http://pf.domain.com/>as one of the SANs when
    requesting the duplicate.  I also used WinSCP to connect to my
    packetfence server to get the csr and key files.  I know that's not
    needed but just thought I would mention it.

    On Thursday, November 12, 2020, 04:29:50 PM EST, ypefti--- via
    PacketFence-users <packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net
    <mailto:packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net>> wrote:

    More digging, more tries, more frustrations😉
    Further to my previous email. I replaced three files from SSL folder
    with files that correspond to the new certificated, i.e.

    PF web interface said bye-bye to me. Why do I see this error in

    Nov 12 13:04:07 pf httpd_webservices_err: AH00558: httpd: Could not
    reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using
    fe80::250:56ff:fe8a:e674. Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to
    suppress this message

    What happened to Apache and PF ?

    And what drives me mad is the fact that if I put old certificate
    files back I still can't login via PF GUI.
    Having this error:

    A networking error occurred. Is the API service running?


    -----Original Message-----
    From:ype...@gmail.com <mailto:ype...@gmail.com><ype...@gmail.com
    Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 11:26 AM
    Cc: 'mj' <li...@merit.unu.edu <mailto:li...@merit.unu.edu>>
    Subject: RE: [PacketFence-users] Wildcard SSL certificate
    installation on PF

    Thank you, MJ,
    It looks like questions asked here are replied selectively.
    At least out of 4 questions that I asked only this one was finally
    "noticed" after the resend😉
    I wouldn't bother the list with my questions if the procedure is
    well documented and works.
    The existing documentation mentions only this:

    "Upon PacketFence installation, self-signed certificates will be
    created in /usr/local/pf/conf/ssl (server.key and server.crt). Those
    certificates can be replaced anytime by your 3rd-party or existing
    wild card certificate without problems. Please note that the CN
    (Common Name) needs to be the same as the one defined in the
    PacketFence configuration file (pf.conf)."

    This is very confusing. We all know that CN in the wildcard
    certificate looks like this:
    *.example.com <http://example.com/>
    How would I make use of it with PF ?

    If you refer me to Let's Encrypt certificates should I understand
    that I need to do it fromwww.sslforfree.com
    <http://www.sslforfree.com/>And what's the correct procedure to
    install an SSL certificate to PF. Never saw it in the documentation.
    I need it for a captive portal.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: mj via PacketFence-users
    Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 1:38 AM
    Cc: mj <li...@merit.unu.edu <mailto:li...@merit.unu.edu>>
    Subject: Re: [PacketFence-users] Wildcard SSL certificate
    installation on PF

    Hi Eugene,

    The list has always been alive, from where we are. :-)

    Anyway: I would encourage you to take a look a Let's Encrypt
    certificates with packetfence. I think they are a bit more secure
    than a wildcard certificate, plus they are free and work very well.

    (there are some threads on this mailinglist on that subject)

    Good luck,

    On 11/10/20 5:31 PM, E.P. via PacketFence-users wrote:
    > Since this group suddenly became alive I dare asking my previous again
    > How would I install a wildcard SSL certificate on PF, see more details
    > below
    > Eugene
    > *From:* E.P. <ype...@gmail.com <mailto:ype...@gmail.com>>
    > *Sent:* Saturday, October 31, 2020 2:43 PM
    > *To:*packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net
    > *Subject:* Wildcard SSL certificate installation on PF
    > Guys,
    > I’m trying to overcome the issue with a self-signed SSL certificate
    > that PF offers to WiFi authentication via captive portal.
    > This a certificate that is in use by HTTPS sessions
    > Certificate/Key match
    > Chain is invalid
    > common_name
    >, emailAddress=supp...@inverse.ca <mailto:supp...@inverse.ca>
    > <mailto:emailAddress=supp...@inverse.ca <mailto:supp...@inverse.ca>>
    > issuer
    > C=CA, ST=QC, L=Montreal, O=Inverse, CN=,
    > emailAddress=supp...@inverse.ca <mailto:supp...@inverse.ca>
    > <mailto:emailAddress=supp...@inverse.ca <mailto:supp...@inverse.ca>>
    > not_after
    > Oct 7 15:29:09 2021 GMT
    > not_before
    > Oct 7 15:29:09 2020 GMT
    > serial
    > A500DC03671C0E35
    > subject
    > C=CA, ST=QC, L=Montreal, O=Inverse, CN=,
    > emailAddress=supp...@inverse.ca <mailto:supp...@inverse.ca>
    > <mailto:emailAddress=supp...@inverse.ca <mailto:supp...@inverse.ca>>
    > Is there any way to import and install a company wild card SSL
    > certificate into PF
    > Eugene
    > _______________________________________________
    > PacketFence-users mailing list

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