When I try to use the default Avaya::ERS5000_6x switch template, using EAP and 
NEAP connections and I enable CLI Access Enabled for the switch, I get the 
following Radius Repluy:

RADIUS Request
                User-Name = "username-admin"
                User-Password = "******"
                NAS-IP-Address =
                Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User
                Event-Timestamp = "Jun 11 2021 11:35:38 ADT"
                Fabric-Attach-Switch-Mode = 0
                Stripped-User-Name = "username-admin"
                Realm = "null"
                FreeRADIUS-Client-IP-Address =
                PacketFence-KeyBalanced = "499b46a37fd3f35a6e64dd9e95d152bb"
                PacketFence-Radius-Ip = ""
                Module-Failure-Message = "rest: Server returned:"
                Module-Failure-Message = "rest: 
 does not support this switch for read/write access login\"}"
                SQL-User-Name = "username-admin"

And my login fails, because PacketFence says that it's not supported. Which is 
fine. You can support everything.

My question is about how I would add it? I found a working section of code to 
add it in there. It's in the Extreme.pm file, and one line needs to change for 
RO and RW.

If it works, I'll submit a Merge request for that file.

Network Analyst * Information Technology Services
T 506 453-4695 C 506 260-8795
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