Hello Mark,

Is your system patched against the maintenance ? (addons/pf-maint.pl then 
restart all services)

If yes, pfmon is the services that checks every minutes if a node needs to be 

Check your Mac address in the logs/pfmon.log and logs/packetfence.log see if 
you can see any obvious errors.


Ludovic Zammit
Product Support Engineer Principal

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> On Jun 23, 2021, at 5:45 PM, Mark Okuno via PacketFence-users 
> <packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Hello packetfence-users,
> We are running packetfence 9.0 on a 3-node cluster.  We seem to have run into 
> an issue where a node that has become unregistered due to the scheduled pfmon 
> node_cleanup unreg window feature is unable to be re-registered on the UI.  
> The registration status stays for about a minute or so, and then reverts back 
> to unregistered.  I have been able to 'fix' this issue by executing the pfcmd 
> node delete command on the CLI.
> Is this how PF is supposed to function regarding the unreg window feature?  
> If possible, I'd like my node managers to be able to re-register such nodes 
> without escalating tickets to our ops team.  Thank you!
> Best,
> Mark Okuno
> IT Operations, UCSB Library
> University of California, Santa Barbara
> 805.893.2002
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