Hi Everyone,
Using EAP-TLS/certs, is it possible to authenticate a device based on what 
Azure AD group they are in?
I am successfully authenticating users based on Azure AD group memberships with 
user certificates but cannot seem to get this to work using a device 
certificate.  The device certificate I am using has the subject set to 
CN={{AAD_Device_ID}}.  I do not have any SANs set on the certificate.  When 
trying to connect on a client device I am getting the following:Aug 21 14:06:28 
srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) INFO: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] handling radius autz request: from switch_ip => 
(, connection_type => Wireless-802.11-EAP,switch_mac => 
(e0:cb:bc:91:85:df), mac => [98:59:7a:4c:39:b1], port => 1, username => 
"d1315df8-5850-48ec-8055-2801981948bb", ssid => Auth-Enterprise2 
Aug 21 14:06:28 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) INFO: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] Instantiate profile Auth-Enterprise2 
Aug 21 14:06:28 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) INFO: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] Found authentication source(s) : 
'Auth-Enterprise2_AzureAD,Catchall-Deny' for realm 'null' 
Aug 21 14:06:28 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) INFO: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] Using sources Auth-Enterprise2_AzureAD, Catchall-Deny 
for matching (pf::authentication::match2)
Aug 21 14:06:29 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) ERROR: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] Failed to obtain groups for 
d1315df8-5850-48ec-8055-2801981948bb: 404 Not Found 
Aug 21 14:06:29 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) ERROR: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] Failed to obtain groups for 
d1315df8-5850-48ec-8055-2801981948bb: 404 Not Found 
Aug 21 14:06:29 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) INFO: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] Matched rule (catchall) in source Catchall-Deny, 
returning actions. (pf::Authentication::Source::match_rule)
Aug 21 14:06:29 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) INFO: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] Matched rule (catchall) in source Catchall-Deny, 
returning actions. (pf::Authentication::Source::match)
Aug 21 14:06:29 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) INFO: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] Found authentication source(s) : 
'Auth-Enterprise2_AzureAD,Catchall-Deny' for realm 'null' 
Aug 21 14:06:29 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) INFO: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] Role has already been computed and we don't want to 
recompute it. Getting role from node_info (pf::role::getRegisteredRole)
Aug 21 14:06:29 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) INFO: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] Username was defined 
"d1315df8-5850-48ec-8055-2801981948bb" - returning role 'REJECT' 
Aug 21 14:06:29 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) INFO: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] PID: "d1315df8-5850-48ec-8055-2801981948bb", Status: 
reg Returned VLAN: (undefined), Role: REJECT (pf::role::fetchRoleForNode)
Aug 21 14:06:29 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) INFO: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] According to rules in fetchRoleForNode this node must 
be kicked out. Returning USERLOCK (pf::Switch::handleRadiusDeny)
Aug 21 14:06:29 srv-pf-01 httpd.aaa-docker-wrapper[3710]: httpd.aaa(7) INFO: 
[mac:98:59:7a:4c:39:b1] security_event 1300003 force-closed for 
98:59:7a:4c:39:b1 (pf::security_event::security_event_force_close)

The application in Azure is set with the following permissions on Microsoft 

Thanks for your help
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