Normally you shouldn't have to strip the host\ since you are able to search
this attribute in the AD via the servicePrincipalName attribute.

Le mer. 15 mai 2024 à 13:24, Adrian Damaschek via PacketFence-users <> a écrit :

> Im trying to set up the NAC to provide certs over SCEP and then use that
> to allow Device Access to my WiFi network.
> It has to be Device level auth as they are used by multiple users and it’s
> the machine that should determine the access to the network.
> So there are two problems I am struggling with. One is that windows insist
> on adding host/ in front of the computer and I cant seem to be able to
> strip it with a filter but maybe I did the wrong thing with it
> My attempt was
> ${replace($radius_request.User-Name,"host\/","")}
> Scope was set to preprocess, for testing I set the value to be always
> TRUE, and I did try with and without merging the answer.
> Also when I try to log on package fence dose process it and rejects it,
> giving
> Module-Failure-Message = "rest: Server returned:",
> Also noticed in the reply that I get
> REST-HTTP-Status-Code = "401",
> Not sure if this is related to the host/ that windows puts in username of
> the initial request.
> Any tip on how to deal with this would be appreciated.
> Regards
> Adrian
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