Am Dienstag, 25. März 2008 schrieb Monaldi Marco:
> Hi, i've install  the svnControl-1.40 on openSuse 10.3 with a subversion
> server. It works fine both in Dav and server mode but I cannot enter as
> admin user.
> The Server log said:
> Cannot mach admin user name 'admin'
> And the response of the x-window of the client is:
> Couldn't established connection to SVNControl-Server!
> but the log:
> SSL-Connection established.
> I've created the apache style passwd http_auth with amin user admin
> The properties file on the directory ./svnControlserver where I as root
> type the is:
> ###############################################
> ###    Properties of SVNControl server      ###
> ###############################################
> # optional name of this repository, to be displayed on the GUI
> repositoryName=default
> # default server communication port for the administration protocol
> defaultPort=1080 # optional password port for handling password change
> requests only
> #passwordPort=1081
> # path to the repository home directory (also path to auth, the password
> file, and # access, the user permissions file)
> svnHome=/srv/www/svn/repos/myproject1
> authFile=/srv/www/svn/repos/myproject1/conf/http_auth
> accessFile=/srv/www/svn/repos/myproject1/conf/authz
> # path to svnadmin.exe (may be empty to indicate that svnkit should be
> used instead # of native process calls to svnadmin - required if
> SVNControl should run as Windows service) svnadminPath=/usr/bin/svnadmin
> # mapping of administrator users from auth, separated by commas,
> otherwise taken from config admins = admin
> # disallowed user names, arbitrary number of names or Java regular
> expressions disallowedUserName.0 = Administrator
> ### If multiple repository directories should be served by this server
> instance, ### create an own properties file and append the number, i.e.
> ### properties, properties1, properties2 etc.
> Can You help me?

# disallowed user names, arbitrary number of names or Java regular expressions 
disallowedUserName.0 = Administrator
==> this is why user admin is DISALLOWED to sign in ...

and/or create a subversion group in the authz file.

If not done, install the package svnControl-manual and read the documentation 
in /usr/share/doc/packages/svnControl-manuaö/Overview.pdf
the second document is only in german, but should give you also some hints how 
to setup the program.

Hope this helps ...

> Best Regards
> Marco Monaldi
have fun

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