On 2011-02-28 16:42:25 (+0100), Cristian Morales Vega <cmorv...@yahoo.es> wrote:
> Packman only packaged moonlight for 11.1. But Mono:Factoy, from OBS,
> has a working 2.4 package which makes use of "packman_bs" variable to
> enable ffmpeg-based multimedia support.
> It would be appreciated if added to Packman.

Thanks, completely forgot about that one...

It's in the Extra repository now (but disabled for 11.2 as
mono-devel is too old there).
The .spec in Mono:Factory could use %{with ffmpeg} now ;)

  -o) Pascal Bleser
  /\\ http://opensuse.org -- we haz green
 _\_v http://fosdem.org   -- we haz conf

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