On 2012-03-15 23:49:48 (+0100), Smartysmart34 <smartysmar...@web.de> wrote:
> Great, thank you all.
> That was way faster then I dared hoping for ;-)

> So how long will it approximately take for that package to hit the repo?

We have a few more (and powerful) build hosts now, so working
off the queue should happen reasonably fast, at least when
factory isn't going amok on build.o.o.

Unlike on build.o.o, we have an additional synchronisation step
between our build service grid and the master FTP tree.

Publishing on our OBS instance pushes to a staging tree on the
Packman FTP master, which then pulls those into the public FTP
tree every hour (if I'm not mistaken -- Marc, or is it every
four hours ?). That is required for various reasons (resigning
the packages, having consistent repositories when the mirrors
start pulling from there, updating our website's database with
the information from the packages, etc...).

It hits the mirrors four hours later at worst.

Pascal Bleser <l...@fosdem.org>       http://fosdem.org/
FOSDEM 2012 ::: 4 + 5 February 2012 in Brussels, Belgium
Free and Opensource Software Developers European Meeting

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