
On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 12:56 AM, Marcos Mello <marcos...@outlook.com> wrote:
> gstreamer-plugins-vaapi is broken in 42.1, at least when using Packman 
> GStreamer stack and Intel GPU.
> https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=951150
> Version 0.7.0 fixes it, but I was told to ask here for an updated package.

Hi, Marcos,

The comment on the bugzilla page didn't tell you that :-)

Because gstreamer-plugins-vaapi wasn't on Packman at all.

It tried to explain that due to inconsistent gstreamer versions
between Packman and Leap,
it's better to maintain a copy built with Packman's gstreamer here.

Sometimes a "fix" doesn't solve things right.

That the combination of gstreamer 1.6 and a gstreamer plugin built
against 1.4 "just works"
doesn't mean we as maintainers/experienced users should advise you so :-)

Anyway I got what you want, gstreamer-plugins-vaapi is now landed in
Packman too, linking
with the one in multimedia:libs on opensuse build service, while built
against gstreamer 1.6.

Please remember to switch it to packman's version when you see the updates.


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