El dom., 17 feb. 2019 a las 19:55, Antonio Larrosa (<
antonio.larr...@gmail.com>) escribió:

> I'll now have a look at handbrake. If there's anything else left to do,
> please tell me (here, or on irc)
I submitted https://pmbs.links2linux.de/request/show/4404 to fix
Multimedia/handbrake-1.0.7 . Btw, this was just failing to build in SLE_15,
while Leap 42.3 built fine, and it was disabled for Leap 15.x (I guess
because there's a newer handbrake package with version 1.2.0, which btw,
builds fine).

Also, I noticed that some SRs I submitted last week to
gstreamer-plugins-ugly (42.3, 15.0 and 15.1) were declined because those
are actually links to the obs packages and thus have to be fixed there. So
I submitted a fix to SLE-15:Update (which will be forwarded to Leap 15.0
and 15.1 when approved) and also to Leap 42.3 (

Note that even if the A_42.3-gstreamer-plugins-ugly package is supposed to
be a link to the Leap 42.3 package in obs, it contained changes in Packman,
so I submitted those changes to Leap too in order to unify the packages (in
the same SR).

Now I think it's finished. If you find any other issue, please tell me.

Antonio Larrosa
Packman mailing list

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