On 07/03/18 12:49, pacman-dev via pacman-dev wrote:
> Hello Pacman Team,
> I was trying to build Pacman for installation into a custom folder.  
> I downloaded the following pacman source code:
> https://sources.archlinux.org/other/pacman/pacman-5.0.2.tar.gz
> I then ran the following configure command:
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pacman/ --disable-doc --disable-shared
> After this is seems to be using --prefix for make install but not when 
> building.  The binaries assume a location of /usr/local.  See below for 
> details.  How do I build pacman to run from a custom directory?

  Build information:
    source code location   : .
    prefix                 : /usr/local/pacman
    sysconfdir             : /usr/local/pacman/etc
       conf file           : /usr/local/pacman/etc/pacman.conf
    localstatedir          : /usr/local/pacman/var
       database dir        : /usr/local/pacman/var/lib/pacman/
       cache dir           : /usr/local/pacman/var/cache/pacman/pkg/

$ ./src/pacman/pacman
error: config file /usr/local/pacman/etc/pacman.conf could not be read:
No such file or directory

Looks fine to me.


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