On 21/10/20 12:21 am, lesto fante wrote:
> The idea here is that if XferLockCommand is set, XferCommand can be
> non-blocking; all invocations of XferCommand are executed and only
> then XferLockCommand is executed to wait for all the downloads to
> complete.

So if you have an update with 150 package, every single one starts
downloading at the same time?

Any implementation of this needs to respect the ParallelDownloads
configuration option.

> I am also thinking of changing XferLockCommand to XferWaitCommand, if
> you have better names please let me know.

Why even need this?  A user either has ParallelDownloads set to be
greater than 1, or does not.

> I will fix and resubmit.
> BTW i noticed that master fails some check, is it safe to be used for
> testing (in a virtual machine) or should i use a specific commit?

There are no test failures.  My guess is you need to install fakechroot.

Also, please don't top post.


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