On 28/10/20 9:39 am, Morgan Adamiec wrote:
> Accidentally sent off list. resending:
> Because there's no reason for a pkgbuild to ever do this so may as well
> make it a hard error. AUR packages can't be trusted to get it right.
> We already make an effort to link pkgbuilds to make sure they're right.
> I don't how this is different to the other lints.

We lint PKGBUILDs to make sure they do not break assumptions needed by
makepkg or pacman.  I don't think this check falls in that category -
without going through the code, I beleive we do check this for
pkgnames/depends/etc where it may be an issue.  So I'm not sure this
check finds anything in the "break makepkg/pacman" category.

My opinion is this is something for namcap or the like. e.g.


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