I do not need to ask the question, I do not want to ask them anything. I
just guess, like I did before, that this is no 'small business', this is a
very well organized high technology attack like they did one after another
all over the world, including those in Jakarta. Who are they? Allah knows
exactly who they are. Allah surely will punish them. I believe that deep in
my heart.

Lembang Alam

----- Original Message -----
From: "boes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <palanta@minang.rantaunet.org>
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pernyataan Perdana Menteri Inggris Tony Blair


> 10.25am: The BBC's Andrew Marr, with Prime Minister Tony Blair in
> says the PM is "still unsure" whether the explosions are a terrorist
> If Netanyahu was told a terrorist attack was underway after the first
> explosion - which everyone, including the police, thought was due to a
> surge - then that's a lot more than the victims of the subsequent
> were told as they rode the Tube to their doom. Which means the Foreign
> Minister's explanation - Netanyahu was told to stay in his hotel room
> the first explosion, rather than show up at the Israeli economic
> at a hotel near Liverpool station - is entirely consistent with the claim
> that he was tipped off to what was really going on, while the rest of the
> city stumbled into disaster and, in some cases, death.
> Another account draws a somewhat tighter timeline:
> "Authorities said they initially thought the explosions were caused by
> surges and were reluctant to activate well-practiced procedures designed
> shut down the system in the event of a terrorist attack. But when the
> explosion occurred at 9:17 a.m. near the Edgware Road station in west
> London, it was obvious that a coordinated attack was underway. Seven
> were killed in that explosion.
> The entire London Underground network shut down immediately afterward."
> If we take the original leaker at his (or her) word, Netanyahu was told
> "minutes before" the first explosion. However, even if we believe Minister
> Shalom's account, it still points to a weird anomaly: It took a full hour
> for the rest of London to find out that they were under attack, and yet
> Netanyahu was privy to this well before anyone else - including Prime
> Minister Tony Blair.
> What did Netanyahu know, when did he know it, and how did he know it?
> Sullivan can stuff his ethno-religious special pleading: if there is any
> "canard" more "tired" and "hideous" than anti-Semitism it is the attempt
> reduce all inquiries about Israel's behavior to bigotry. These questions
> deserve honest answers. Why is no one asking them?

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