Al, if you don't like getting lots of individual e-mails, just change
your profile to receive a digest, and therefore get one (large) email
each morning with the last 24 hours of posts.

But if you want to go to the newsgroups, goodbye and good luck!

Roger Stringer
Marietta Systems, Inc.


>Subject: ?Should we abandon this mailing list and use
>  instead?
>From: Al Macy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 11:00:24 -0800
>Here is a suggestion:
>1. We'll have the best results in getting our questions answered if 
>everyone uses a single forum.

>2. The mailing list format is extremely inconvenient, requiring downloading 
>of 40 or more messages each day.  Although you can access this mailing list 
>as a newsgroup, you still must subscribe to the mailing list to be able to 
>post, and the newsgroup does not work properly with the netscape newsreader.

>3. The newsgroups at (pilot.programmer and 
>pilot.programmer.codewarrior) work very well.

>Because of that, I recommend that we all move to the massena site.  We 
>could periodically post messages on this mailing list saying that all the 
>action is at

>What do you think?

> Al Macy
>  Time and Billing for Consultants and Others

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