I was trying a 3rd party graphics library (JpgLib) by Absolute Word:

I know there are plenty of other jpg library options, but I like the way this 
was implemented and like that it supports animated gifs, and fast image 
scaling.  I also like that it back-dates to older Pre-OS5 devices and that it's 
a static lib that I can continue with a single PRC file for our product.  

Anyway, the sample application has the lib file linked into the lower segment.  
I tried moving it to a separate segment since I knew I wasn't going to have 
enough space for it in my lowest segment and it no longer works.  I get an 
JpegTest (1.0) just wrote to memory location 0x003AC822, which is in the 
storage heap. In order to protect the integrity of the user's data, such direct 
access is not allowed. Instead, applications should use special Palm OS 
functions for this purpose.

This doesn't happen with the same lib in the lower segment and I'm wondering if 
this is because the lib file does things internally like launch 68k assembler 
(on older devices (which I'm testing)).

Does anyone have any experience with linking a static library into a different 
segment?  If so, did it work first time for you?  Or did you need to make any 
changes?    Did you have assembler code in that library?

Thanks in advance for any help.
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