Just to confuse things even more ...
On Windows, you can also script the IDE as a COM object using a VBS/JS
script to do automated builds of IDE targets. There's some documentation
to do this in the CodeWarrior Manuals CHM file. I've done this and it's
quite useful for automating things. It might help.
One thing that I had trouble finding out how to do was getting a Perl
script to be executed as part of a build in the IDE (e.g. a
pre-compliation step)
I'd be interested in knowing if anyone has managed to get a Perl script
executed by CodeWarrior as part of the build process in a CodeWarrior
Palm OS project?
Scripting is mentioned in Chapters 19 and 20 in the "CodeWarrior
Manuals" CHM under :-
/Core/Extending CodeWarrior IDE/


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christopher
Sent: 17 April 2008 16:09
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Re: CodeWarrior 9, Command Line Builds with Visual Build Pro

What's the point?

Just put the command in a text file called whatever.bat and it will work
just as well.

You should do:

"C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior\Bin\Cmdide.exe"
"C:\Temp\Reptoids\Reptoids.mcp" /s/r/b/c/q

instead, I think maybe.

If you *need* something more, I could make a quick VB.net app for

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 7:58 PM, griffariff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        I am trying to set up a new build machine to automatically build
        our projects every night. I have already tested my command
string from the command line as follows:
        C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior\Bin\Cmdide.exe
"C:\Temp\Reptoids\Reptoids.mcp" /s/r/b/c/q
        This opens a new instance of CodeWarrior 9, opens the project,
        removes the object code, builds, closes the project and quits
        When I type out this command into Visual Build Pro, using the
        Run Program object from the Built-In section of the Actions
        window, and run it, CodeWarrior 9 launches but fails to open the
        project and it just sits there doing nothing. Does anyone have
        experience with Visual Build Pro and CodeWarrior? Visual Build
        has no drag and drop objects for CodeWarrior so I am guessing I
        have missed a setting some where in the Run Program object I am
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Christopher Stamper

Web: http://tinyurl.com/2ooncg
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Skype: cdstamper 
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