"John J. Corelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is this because when the data was retrieved (upon opening the main
> edit form), they got the handle to the record in the database and set
> it to the pointer to the text handle in the field and all the while
> you are changing text, you're updating not just the field, but the
> record in the database??

This is exactly correct. The field manager knows when its text handle
points to database storage and uses the appropriate DmWrite calls to
change the contents. This is also why you should call FldCompactField()
just before releasing the record, because the field manager allocates
memory in chunks when it needs to grow the field, which would result in
wasted space in your database.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])            | Yow! NOW, I'm supposed to
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | SCRAMBLE two, and HOLD th'
Seattle, WA, USA                            | MAYO!!
http://www.rudedog.org/                     | 

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