On NT "ide.exe /?" just launches the IDE while "cmdide.exe /?" does
display the command line parameters.

However when I call "cmdide.exe with any of the options it just starts
the ide and doesnt executes them anyway.


Ben Combee wrote:
> "Christian Vandendorpe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> > Make sure you call cmdide.exe and not ide.exe
> Actually, cmdide.exe is only needed for Windows 95/98/ME.  ide.exe will work
> directly on NT/2000.  The cmdide.exe program was written to get around an
> odd behavior in command.com on the 16/32-bit hybrid platforms where
> command.com doesn't wait for graphical applications to complete before
> returning control to the user, which could be a big problem with batch files
> that depend on the IDE completing its task before launching another.
> --
> Ben Combee
> Veriprise Wireless <http://www.veriprise.com>

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