Aaron etc..
Yes, CW6 WinNt.  Constructor lets you *create* 4 bit bitmaps.  It just seems
that when you call them directly (at least in my case), they show as 1
bit....it seems the call has to be directed through the family.
I have been curious about PilRC (I barely know what it is) and would like to
try it out.  
Whenever I got to your site, which directs me to Rhodes site, and finally
the download (ftp://ftp.calliopeinc.com/PilRCPlugin.DLL.zip) I get a "This
page cannot be displayed" message from Explorer, most likely a problem on my
side with our company network (there's a few sites that are locked out). Is
PilRC (plug-in) available anywhere else?  My MS guy is never available to
fix this problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Ardiri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 9:25 AM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: RE: displaying 4 bit depth bitmap

> Finally got this one to work. 
> Arron....The bitmap was defined as multi depth, that was not the problem.
> What I had to do was add it to a bitmap family, then declare it in the
> family 4 times....once for each bit depth.  Then instead of WinDraw'ing
> bitmap I WinDraw'ed the bitmap family.  
> Thank you for the help and suggestions.

  CW right? dont they provide a mechanism to create a bitmap of depth 4
  only? PilRC allows this.. with the BITMAPGREY16 tag! surely, it exists
  inside constructor..

  maybe you should have tried the PilRC plugin for CW? :) then, you can
  create this 4bpp grayscale bitmap WITHOUT the family.

// az
http://www.ardiri.com/    <--- free games!

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