Hi there,

> How can I align the label to the left?
I don't know if there is better way to do it. This is what I do, I make the 
table with 1 col and fill data in using WinDrawChars()
I forgot where I took this code, must be in an example code.

// Determine the length of text that will fit within the bounds.
// data to put in col1 is in tempstr1, col2 is in tempstr2

      width = bounds->extent.x - 45;
      textLen = StrLen(tempstr1);
      FntCharsInWidth(tempstr1, &width, &textLen, &fits);
// if the string is too long, add "..." at the end where it is cut
      if (!fits) {
// Now draw the text from the record.
      WinDrawChars(tempstr1, textLen, bounds->topLeft.x+1,

      leftbound = bounds->topLeft.x+125; 
      WinDrawChars(tempstr2,StrLen(tempstr2), leftbound,

hope that helps.


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