Avi Halachmi wrote:

> hi
> i'm trying to use file streams as follows.
> hFile = FileOpen(0,<pointer_to_string>,0,0,fileModeReadOnly,&err);
> when openning an exising file, hFile is usable, and err is 0,
> when the file doesn't exist, error is non zero, but SO IS hFile
> in the SDK reference, it says FileOpen should return zero when not
> successfull.
> any suggestions??
> regards
> avi.
> --
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Check err before proceeding.  In my apps I wrapped FileOpen with my own 
function which
returns NULL if there is an error.

Adam Wozniak                     Senior Software Design Engineer
                                 Surveyor Corporation
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                4548 Broad Street
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

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