DCU wrote:

> I am developing Socket applications for the palmos.  I am currently having
> problems with closing a socket, as they do not seem to close with the
> NetLibCloseSocket command and this eventually creates a problem after 16
> data transmissions occur.  The problem/error they I have is Too Many TCP
> connections.  I am not sure why I get this error since I close the
> connection after every transmission.  There should only be one connection
> open at any given time.

I've also seen this.

You may want to try using NetLibSocketShutdown() also, but I could never find a 
combination which reliably closed the socket the way
I expect it to.

I got around it by waiting for the remote end to close the connection.

IMHO, this is a bug in PalmOS, or at the very least a bug/omission in the 

Adam Wozniak                     Senior Software Design Engineer
                                 Surveyor Corporation
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                4548 Broad Street
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