Philip Sheard wrote:

> Thanks for the correction. My opinion is probably outdated, and
> prejudiced by the fact that I used to be a Microsoft Gold
> Certified Partner. But when I tried StyleTap, it did not support
> conduits, or SD cards.

Dunno about SD cards, but no, it still doesn't support conduits.
This the main drawback.

When I'm back at the office, I'll borrow a colleague's iPaq to run
some more tests on SD cards, performance and Bluetooth. Regrefully,
if my users are going to have to switch over to a PPC, might as
well know exactly what to expect. I too handle large DBs (of cave
survey data). Note that the PalmOS app knows it's running under
StyleTap and can adjust accordingly if need be.

Joyeux Noel à vous aussi :)

Luc Le Blanc
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