When closing my PDB, POSE reports there are still locked records in the closed 
DB - it shouldn't because I carefully unlock them soon after locking them. I 
added this snipped just before calling DmCloseDatabase:

UInt16 attr;
for ( UInt16 i = 0; i < DmNumRecords( gCaveDBRef ); i++ )
    DmRecordInfo( gCaveDBRef, i, &attr, NULL, NULL );
    if ( attr & dmRecAttrBusy )
        index = i;

Yet, I never hit the trap line (index = i), although the next statement 
(DmCloseDatabase) provokes the POSE error. Shouldn't my code trap the problem? 
Other than that, all I see is the PDB's AppInfoBlock; how can I know whether 
it's still locked (even though I previously reviewed my code and never found 

Luc Le Blanc
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