Could this be a variation on the old limit on # of files in the root directory we used to encounter in MS-DOS daze?

Shorin wrote:
I've had something like that happen to a 512MB card in a Tungsten T. I forget how it happened. There werent many files in the particular directory. I ended up reformatting the card.

On 4/13/2010 11:41 AM, Harry wrote:
Hi all,

I am experiencing problems with the TE2 and SD-cards. When an application writes too many files into a directory the directory may get corrupted.

This happens e.g. with many 512MB cards when say 200 files with 1K of text each are written with VFSFileOpen/-Write/-Close. Suddenly the directory shows dozens of garbage entries like

ñ7y+õÅ■.Nà     271614 KB     27.03.2074 23:45
ÛZT.Ûý,.Öbj     3776489 KB    07.08.1993  01:48
-4=-<-.l./'<     Directory

It seems the VFS layer or the corresponding FS-lib play havoc with the directory.

Alas I cannot ask the user to format those SD cards out in the field. I need to gracefully repair them by removing/deleting those 'fragments' or by deleting the directory that was corrupted.

Unfortunatley the VFS/FSLib functions cannot delete those entries because the file names are invalid. Neither can I delete the corrupt directory because it is not emtpy.

Any ideas on how to get rid of this garbage without formatting the entire card?



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