Can someone explain why this fails to work after the first iteration???  I should be 
able to reuse and reasign these pointers?  The first set will run (altough there is 
some strange data in the debugger(see jpg)), but
after that they crash.

Here is a snapshot of the debugger...
Thanks for any help.

CharPtr  ptemp = "";
CharPtr  ptext = "";
  ptext = StrIToA(ptemp, MyArmy.NumArcher);
  SetTextToField(ReviewArmyArcherField, ptext);
  ptext = StrIToA(ptemp, MyArmy.NumLtFoot);    <--- crashes here with a (&#@ error 
(serious, looks like gibberish)
  SetTextToField(ReviewArmyLtFootField, ptext );

here is the function SetTextToField for reference

void SetTextToField( Word fieldID, CharPtr ptext )
 FormPtr  pform;
 FieldPtr pfield;
 VoidHand hfield;
 CharPtr  pfieldtext;

 pform = FrmGetActiveForm();
 pfield = FrmGetObjectPtr(pform, FrmGetObjectIndex(pform, fieldID));
 hfield = FldGetTextHandle(pfield);
 if(hfield != NULL)
  MemHandleResize(hfield, StrLen(ptext)+1);
  hfield = MemHandleNew(StrLen(ptext)+1);
 pfieldtext = MemHandleLock(hfield);
 StrCopy(pfieldtext, ptext);
 FldSetTextHandle(pfield, hfield);

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