That's an old news but it is my bet that we will see Word and/or Exchange
for PalmOS about when Palm will acquire Microsoft. 

Or at least when they introduce a device running at over 200 MHz.

Considering my own experience with the latest PocketPC, they better not even
try. It will only make the current doc packages for Palm look better.

There is a lot of the .NET that could be utilized in the wireless
technologies, though.

- bobby

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Baer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 3:50 AM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Microsoft Apps on the Palm?

Thought this would be interesting, got this from a newsletter:

Microsoft Considering Palm Devices for.Net-Based Apps
   Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said last week that the software vendor, as
   part of its new Internet-based ".Net" computing services strategy, will
   try to put applications such as Word and Exchange on Palm's handheld
   computers and other mobile devices that compete with Microsoft's own
   Pocket PC technology. "No offense to the Pocket PC, but we might need to
   bring .Net services to Palm and other [handheld) devices," Ballmer said.

- Jon

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