I'm having a strange problem. I've created a large PDB file (14500 70 byte
records; approximately 1MB in total) with my own Windows code on the
desktop. I am able to load this database into POSE (by dropping the file on
it) with no problem. However, when I try to HotSync it to a real Palm, most
of the records disappear. The HotSync appears to work, and takes a long
time, as you'd expect; however, only 312 records show up (specifically:
every 256th record for 55 records, and then 257 in a row). Neither the
database nor the surviving records appear to be corrupted. The code I'm
using to create the PDB hasn't seen a lot of action, but I'm fairly
confident in it, and when I use it to create smaller PDBs (i.e., 100
records), they HotSync just fine. I've HotSynced this file to an SPT1500, an
SPT1700, and a PalmV, all with the same dismal results. On the emulator
side, I've used several different ROMs -- including one downloaded from that
SPT 1700 -- all with equal success.

I've read that HotSync fails with resources greater that 64K in size, but I
can find no mention of a limit for PDBs. Any thoughts?

Thanks for the help!

Jeremy Neal Kelly

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