Dude...you want us to figure out why you're getting a netErrParamErr, yet you
don't even show us your parameters???

I know that one thing is wrong: you're lying to NetLibReceive with regards to
the fromLenP parameter.  It wants a _pointer_ to a UInt16.  You're passing in
just a UInt16!  Just because you cast it to a UInt* doesn't make it a UInt16*.

-- Keith Rollin
-- Palm OS Emulator engineer

"Alex R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/30/2001 06:03:58 AM

Please respond to "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  "Alex R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:   "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (Keith Rollin/US/PALM)
Subject:  NetLibReceive, I am getting the "netErrParam     Err".

Hello All,

When I debug using the emulator, the NetLibReceive call returns a
netErrParam error. The code below works fine on the actual device.


SWord  recv;
short  SocketReceiveErr;
CharPtr msg;

recv = NetLibReceive(NetLibOpenRef,theSocket,msg, size,0,
                (NetSocketAddrType *)&ForeignAddrType,
                 (unsigned short


Any help will be much appreciated.


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