I finally found the problem.  In PalmMain, my sysAppLaunchCmdSyncNotify was
creating a database and NOT creating the AppInfo correctly.  It didn't
appear in the emulator because the app loaded automatically (without the
HotSync) and my Viewer program which examined the database never saw the
database because IT was created AFTER the sync.  I am SO happy this is a
done and fixed thing!

> I have this recurring problem with my database not failing to Find during
> the opening database function on a real device.  I thought I solved it
> several weeks ago.  Everything works _great_ on the emulator.  But on real
> devices, if the databases are _not_ there, Find returns a valid response
> a database that doesn't exist.  Since I am on a deadline that can't wait,
> am willing to basically PAY someone to upload a full copy of this program
> and FIX this one itsy bitsy piece that has confounded me.  So if you think
> you can nail this incredibly stupid problem email me.
> Matt Mason
> p.s. Yes, I tried uploading my ROM to the emulator and yes it works as
> as any of the other ROMs I uploaded.  I get the same problem occur on Palm
> OS 3.1 (HandSpring), 3.2r3 (SPT-1740) and 3.5 (m100) -that's all the
> I have....

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