I have a Kyocera QCP-6035 with OS 3.5.2, SX 1.0.11, KT 1.0.10.  The system
function WinScreenLock doesn't work, but always returns NULL rather than
allocating a new video buffer like it probably should.  That's OK since it's
an optional API for licensees to implement, but it's a bummer.

Further digging, however, shows that the cause appears to be
HwrDisplayAttributes being broken for the hwrDispVRAMSize operation.  (This
is a HAL function that is "documented" by Palm only in the forum archives.)
It returns a suspicious value of 4.  If you patch it to return 0, then
WinScreenLock starts working.

This is essentially the same problem reported for certain Sony models.  See
Douglas Anderson's fix for that at: http://www.byteswapped.com/palm/.

So, anybody know if this is fixed in any OS update or patch from Kyocera?
Or has this not even been reported before?  Or would these licensees
implement this on purpose to thwart WinScreenLock for some reason?


(Reposted from Kyocera-Forum in search of a wider audience.  Which probably
means Jim Schram.  :-)

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